Monday 3 February 2014

Lunar New Year

Happy Lunar New Year! A few days too late AGAIN. It’s the Year of the Horse, the most superior zodiac (not a biased opinion).

A few Sundays ago, my grandma, mom, two aunts, cousin, and myself went to my grandma’s house to help her make some New Year pastries, which is one of our many traditions. This year, I asked my cousin Nikki to take photos of some of the process.

We make two kinds of pastries: one savory, one sweet. The savory one contains a mixture of roast pork, chicken, dried shrimp, and veggies. I’m not really a sweets person so this one is my favourite. The second type is made of a sweet dough and is filled with a red bean paste. Both are deep fried. Actually everything we make on this day is deep fried!

(My ugly ones are not pictured here.)

Last year I couldn’t eat anything because my stomach was an erupting volcano of acid, but this year I am feeling a shit load better so I had some! And some shrimp chips. Everything was so good, especially the freshly fried shrimp chips.

After a few hours of making the pastries and…eating, I walked over to the record store near my grandma’s house and then went home to wash the insane smell of oil from myself (you’re welcome) before going out for a pre-New Year family dinner. Then our official New Years dinner was last Saturday. There’s just been a lot of eating. A LOT OF EATING A NO HEARTBURN CAN I GET A VIRTUAL HIGH FIVE OR WHAT.

Anyways, thanks to Nikki for taking photos! My blog has been slowing down, but eh, ideas come when they come.